Creative Coaching

Support for discovering your creative voice and using it beautifully.

Yay, tell me more!

Creative coaching empowers individuals to unlock their unique creative potential, fostering personal growth, self-expression, and a profound sense of purpose.

Your creative journey is unique. I specialize in helping you discover and harness your creative voice, unlocking its full potential in your life.


My coaching approach is designed to uncover the hidden aspects of your inner self, shedding light on the unseen talents and strengths that lie within you. I help you identify what resonates positively in your life and we work together to craft purposeful next steps. Our goal is to guide you along your individual path, helping you fully embrace the life you are truly destined for, where your creative voice becomes a powerful tool for personal growth and fulfillment.

Coaching: A series of 6 one-on-one sessions

Personalized Guidance: Exercises and techniques

Email Support: Ask questions or get feedback

Session Recordings (optional): Private links

Creative Assignments: Homework for exploration

Resources: Personalized suggestions


This type of coaching is for you if you are...

This type of coaching is ideally suited for you if you are seeking to unlock your creative potential, discover your unique voice, and harness it to achieve personal growth, self-expression, and a deeper sense of purpose in your life. Whether you're an aspiring artist, writer, entrepreneur, or anyone looking to cultivate and channel your creativity, we work together to help you embark on a transformative journey toward creative fulfillment.


On this journey, you'll:

  • Discover your creative voice
  • Overcome creative blocks
  • Identify the right goals for you
  • Learn creative process techniques
  • Develop your unique self-expression
  • Utilize task-oriented vs time-oriented techniques
  • Get gentle and supportive accountability

how it works...


This type of coaching is best for you if you can invest at least

4-6 sessions. We meet via Zoom every other week for a one-hour session to discuss your desires and goals. Together we create a plan to create a tangible path and how to achieve your goals. If you choose to have recorded sessions, I upload the video to a private link for you to reference as much as you'd like. I provide insight, support, and gentle accountability as well as any resources and exercises that arise during our work together. I send a short recap email after each session.


Discovery + Goal Setting

Session l

In this initial session, we'll explore your desires, aspirations and any creative challenges you may be facing. We'll identify your creative strengths, and what inspires you. I'll reflect what you share and help you identify what you find most inspiring. Together, we'll set specific and achievable goals, both short-term and long-term to guide your series and beyond your coaching journey.


Skill Development

Sessions 2-3

These sessions will focus on honing your creative skills and exploring various techniques for getting unstuck or past creative blocks.

We'll delve into a range of creative practices and exercises to enhance your abilities and leverage your authentic strengths. If needed we'll brainstorm ways to express your thought and ideas with confidence and clarity.


Progress + Feedback

Sessions 4-5

Midway through the coaching series, we'll assess your progress and refine your approach. We will look at your progress, establish your creative process and I'll give feedback for fostering growth. We'll also explore time and task management strategies so you can establish the time you need for your creative expression and how to protect it from the whims of others.


Next Steps

Final Session

Our last session together is important because not only do we revisit and celebrate how far you have come during our series, we also create a plan for you to take with you so you feel clear about where to go next and supported for how to get there. We will review and adjust your creative goals to ensure they align with your evolving creative vision.

Sign Up for Coaching

Benefits of this type of coaching:


Unlock Your Creative Potential: Discover and harness your unique creative voice, allowing you to tap into your full creative potential.


Personal Growth: Experience personal growth and self-discovery as you explore your creative capabilities and overcome challenges.


Enhanced Self-Expression: Improve your ability to express your thoughts, emotions, and ideas with clarity and confidence.


Fulfillment: Experience a deeper sense of fulfillment and purpose as you fully embrace your creative life.


Motivation and Support: Stay motivated and engaged with ongoing email support and session recordings.


Life Transformation: Embark on a transformative journey that goes beyond creativity and impacts all aspects of your life.

Positive outcomes from support:


Creative Fulfillment: Experience a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment by fully embracing and expressing your creative self.


Achievement of Goals: Successfully accomplish your creative goals and aspirations, both short-term and long-term.


Increased Confidence: Gain confidence in your creative abilities and express yourself more boldly and authentically.


Resilience and Adaptability: Develop resilience to creative challenges and the ability to adapt and thrive in various creative pursuits.


Enhanced Self-Understanding: Deepen your understanding of yourself, your desires, and what truly resonates with you in life.


Greater Life Satisfaction: Achieve greater overall satisfaction in life by aligning your creative passions with your personal and professional pursuits.

Choose from two payment methods


Single Payment Option

One Payment of $675: Choose simplicity and convenience with a one-time payment option. Invest in your personal growth journey with a single payment of $675. This all-inclusive payment ensures your access to the complete transformative coaching series, providing you with a seamless and hassle-free experience at a
$75 discount from the regular cost.



Installment Payment Plan

6 Payments of $l25: Opt for flexibility with an installment plan. Spread the cost of your journey over four manageable payments of $l25 each. This plan is designed to make your personal development journey accessible and stress-free, allowing you to focus on your growth without financial strain.