Guided Journeys

what is a guided journey?


Guided journeys are powerful tools for self-discovery because they create a safe, imaginative space where you can explore your inner world and connect with your deepest self.

A guided journey is a structured visualization technique designed to facilitate deep introspection and self-discovery. It involves a step-by-step imaginative experience, often led by a guide or through recorded audio, that helps you explore your inner world and connect with your deeper self.


As your guide, I help you set the environment to create a safe and calming setting conducive to introspection.


From there I lead you through a detailed visualization, using descriptive language to paint a vivid mental picture. This might involve imagining a serene landscape, a symbolic place, or a specific scenario.


Together I guide you to meet significant figures (like your inner heroine or younger self), explore symbolic environments (like a garden or bridge), or interact with elements that represent aspects of your psyche.


Throughout the journey, I may pose reflective questions or prompts to deepen your introspection and encourage self-exploration.


Then I gently brings you back to the present moment, helping you transition smoothly from the imaginative space to your waking consciousness.


Finally, we spend some time reflecting on the journey and I provide a follow up email with journal prompts designed to enhance your experience, feelings, and insights can help integrate the knowledge gained during the journey.

inner journey

Discover Your True Self Through Deep Self-Exploration


Welcome to a space where profound self-discovery meets healing and transformation. I'm thrilled to share with you the incredible journey inward—a path that has the power to uncover your true self and lead you to a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

The Essence of Deep Self-Exploration

Deep self-exploration isn’t just about looking inward; it’s about delving into the depths of your soul to uncover hidden emotions, heal past wounds, and gain fresh perspectives on your life’s narrative. Through guided inner journeys, you’ll find a safe, imaginative space to connect with your deeper self, revealing your true desires, strengths, and values.


Through guided journeys, you’ll reconnect with your inner child, heal past relationships, and find the closure you need for profound emotional and spiritual healing.


The journey inward is your path to discovering your true self—unburdened by societal expectations and limiting beliefs. As you explore your inner world, you’ll uncover the authentic you, embracing your unique strengths, desires, and values. This self-discovery empowers you to live a life that truly reflects who you are, bringing a deep sense of fulfillment and purpose.

the guided journey process


journey to the younger self

Engage in a transformative guided journey to meet your younger self, a powerful practice in inner child work.

This process fosters self-compassion, enhances emotional well-being, and paves the way for a more authentic and empowered life.

Explore the needs of your inner child and work on meeting those needs in the here and now.


journey to the new world

Embark on a profound guided journey of crossing the bridge into a new world, symbolizing your transition into self-discovery and personal transformation. This guided experience helps you leave behind old patterns and fears, welcoming you into a realm of new possibilities and deeper understanding of your true self.


jouRNEY To inner wisdom

Discover profound insights through a guided journey to inner wisdom and ancestral connection. This transformative experience allows you to tap into the deep well of knowledge within yourself while seeking guidance from your ancestors. By honoring and engaging with ancestral wisdom, you gain clarity, strength, and a sense of belonging.


journey to the empowered self

This transformative experience helps you uncover the strength, wisdom, and authenticity within you. By meeting your inner heroine, you gain access to powerful insights and qualities that guide you through life's challenges with confidence and clarity. Awaken the heroine within and lead a life aligned with your deepest values and dreams.

GUIDED JOURNEY package Prices


I keep everything really simple with my mentoring pricing.

All sessions are $l25 each. You can pay in 4-6 payments, or all at once. It's up to you. I send you an invoice sometime before our session, and you pay it before we start. You can pay with a credit card or Paypal. That's it! Easy!

4-6 Session Series

Session 1: 1 hour via Zoom

We discuss the details of your guided journey and what you want to experience.


Session 2: 1 hour via Zoom

I guide you through the first journey. We reflect at the end of the session.


Session 3-5: 1 hour via Zoom

We got through the series of journeys.

Session 6: 1 hour via Zoom

We work together to set you up to continue the exploration on your own.

$l25 ea


6 payments of $l25= $750

Simple & beautiful inspiration for soul-changing self-discovery.

I keep things simple. My emails are like a letter from a best friend who likes to spill a little tea and share new discoveries on how to stay inspired and keep following your dreams.

Christine Rose Elle

I write books & courses for creative souls who are seeking their true selves through self-exploration.