Coaching Business Mentoring

Support and insight for setting up your coaching business.

Yay, tell me more!

Discover your voice and coaching potential. transform your passion into a thriving coaching practice with personalized mentoring.

I started my coaching business over a decade ago. The best thing I did was to take the Beautiful You Coaching Academy training. I recommend BYCA training as step one. Email me if you want to hear about how you can get this coaching business mentoring package for free with your BYCA training.


After the training, I'm here to guide you on your journey to becoming a successful life coach, creative coach, or wellness coach. My mission is to empower you to turn your passion for coaching into a profitable and fulfilling coaching business.


Let's work together to unleash your coaching potential, create a meaningful impact, and build a thriving coaching business that aligns with your vision.




Coaching series of 6 one-on-one sessions

Personalized Guidance: Exercises and techniques

Email Support: Ask questions or get feedback

Session Recordings (optional): Private links

Creative Assignments: Homework for exploration

Resources: Personalized suggestions

Fulfills the BYCA requirements of working a series with a BYCA-certified coach.

This type of coaching is for you...

Whether you're a budding life coach, a creative soul seeking to inspire others, or a wellness enthusiast eager to promote holistic well-being, my coaching business mentoring is tailored to empower individuals from diverse backgrounds who aspire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others through coaching. It also fulfills the BYCA requirement for the certification path.


You'll learn:

  • Strategies for setting up and structuring a successful coaching business from scratch.
  • Techniques to discover and refine their unique coaching voice and style.
  • Guidance on defining a compelling coaching niche and target audience.
  • Steps to develop a strong personal brand identity that resonates with clients.
  • Marketing tactics to effectively promote their coaching services and attract ideal clients.
  • Tools for crafting impactful coaching programs and sessions that deliver results.
  • Methods for setting pricing strategies and managing finances to ensure profitability.
  • Ongoing support and mentorship to navigate challenges and sustain long-term success in their coaching journey.

how it works...


This type of coaching is perfect for a new coach who needs help defining their brand voice and setting up their offerings and other elements for a coaching business. We'll meet via Zoom every two weeks for a total of 6 one-hour sessions to discuss your coaching business goals, and where you need support. Additionally, if you are a BYCA-trained coach, this series best takes place after the training is complete, and serves as the coaching requirement for completing a series with a BYCA Certified coach for your own certification path.


Assessment + Goals

Session l

In this initial session, we'll explore your coaching vision, niche and any challenges you may be facing. We'll identify your strengths, and what inspires you. I'll reflect what you share and help you identify where you want to go with your business. Together, we'll set specific and achievable goals, both short-term and long-term to guide your series and beyond your coaching journey.


Strengths + Skills

Sessions 2-3

These sessions will focus on honing your coaching skills and your process for working with clients in your niche. We'll delve into a range of creative practices and exercises to enhance your abilities and leverage your authentic strengths to determine what makes you uniquely you as a coach. If needed we'll brainstorm ways to express your vision with confidence and clarity.


Progress + Feedback

Sessions 4-5

Midway through the coaching and mentoring series, we'll assess your progress and refine your approach. We will look at your progress, establish your coaching process and I'll give feedback for fostering growth. We'll also explore time and task management strategies so you are clear on what steps you need to take to continue to continue toward your business goals.


Next Steps + Resources

Final Session

Our last session together is important because not only do we revisit and celebrate how far you have come during our mentoring series, we also create a plan for you to take with you so you feel clear about where to go next and support for how to get there. We will review and adjust your business goals to ensure they align with your evolving coaching vision.

Sign Up for Coaching

Benefits of this type of coaching:


Gain clarity and confidence in setting up and structuring a successful coaching business.


Unlock your authentic coaching voice and establish a unique brand identity that resonates with clients.

Attract and retain ideal clients by honing in on a specific coaching niche and target audience.


Develop effective marketing strategies to promote your coaching services and stand out in a competitive market.


Create impactful coaching programs and sessions that deliver tangible results for your clients.


Build a sustainable and profitable coaching practice with guidance on pricing strategies and financial management.


Receive ongoing support and mentorship to overcome challenges and achieve long-term success in your coaching journey.


Join a supportive community of like-minded coaches, fostering collaboration and growth opportunities.


Fulfill your passion for helping others while creating a fulfilling and financially rewarding career in coaching.

Positive outcomes from support:


Increased Confidence: Feel more confident in their abilities to navigate the complexities of starting and growing a coaching business.


Clarity of Direction: Gain clarity on their coaching niche, target audience, and business goals, leading to more focused and effective action.


Enhanced Brand Identity: Develop a strong and authentic brand identity that resonates with clients, fostering trust and loyalty.


Effective Marketing Strategies: Implement marketing strategies that attract ideal clients and promote their coaching services effectively.


Successful Client Relationships: Build meaningful and impactful relationships with clients, resulting in greater client satisfaction and retention.


Professional Growth: Experience continuous professional growth through ongoing support, mentorship, and skill development.

Choose from two payment methods


Single Payment Option

One Payment of $675: Choose simplicity and convenience with a one-time payment option. Invest in your personal growth journey with a single payment. This all-inclusive payment ensures your access to the complete transformative coaching series, providing you with a seamless and hassle-free experience.
$75 discount from the regular cost..



Installment Payment Plan

6 Payments of $l25: Opt for flexibility with an installment plan. Spread the cost of your journey over four manageable payments of $l25 each. This plan is designed to make your personal development journey accessible and stress-free, allowing you to focus on your growth without financial strain.