Understanding emotional freedom + autonomy.

I write a lot about emotional freedom. But in some ways, it’s a murky concept.😵‍💫

Some define it as a way to cultivate positive emotions and transform negative ones.

✨But I think of it as emotional autonomy. In which you accept your feelings are your own, and you have a skilled means of expressing them if needed.✨

If you feel like this is a given, then you probably already have emotional freedom and were probably raised in a family in which feelings and emotions were honored and heard.

If however you were raised in a family in which it wasn’t safe to express emotions, or the entire family system was held hostage to serve the emotional needs of one dominant person, then you know how precious and hard-earned emotional freedom can be.

Here are some signs of emotional freedom:

🤍 You can recognize what feelings are yours, and what belongs to someone else. This is especially important for highly sensitive people and empaths. Or people that can easily attune to the moods of others.

🤍 When you recognize a feeling, you can allow it to be there without the need to push it away.

🤍 You are able to own your feelings, especially when in conflict with someone else’s.

🤍 You can communicate your feelings. Maybe not with ease, because it can be hard, but you feel confident in labeling and explaining your feelings.

🤍 You can recognize when you need a boundary and are able to set and keep it.

If you were ever in a relationship with a narcissist, and are/were co-dependent, you know how easily your emotional autonomy can slip away.

Know that emotional freedom is precious and worth fighting for.

May you be empowered and free with your emotions.

Christine Rose Elle:

Hi there! I've created tons of posts with resources for self-discovery, journaling, and finding emotional freedom and wellness. You'll find tips for dealing with the narcissist in your life, how to work with tarot cards for personal growth, journaling, and more. I hope you enjoy my posts! Drop me a line if you have any questions. xo Christine

Fun Facts:

Favorite singer:

Pink <3

Favorite Food:


Go-To drink order:

Cold Brew

As seen in:

Christine Rose Elle

I write books & courses for creative souls who are seeking their true selves through self-exploration.